TRAINING “Bio architecture & Bio construction inspiration”

Dear participants, trainers and speakers,
You are welcome to Seville city for the BREATH Training “Bio-architecture and Bio-construction inspiration”, and the Dissemination and public event to present the BREATH Project to the Spanish public.
We will be close to 25 participants during the training, mainly professional adults linked to architecture, construction, ecology and other fields of work. All the participants have been invited by the partner entities of the BREATH Project. The training will be in English with Spanish consecutive translation. We will have a wide range of pedagogical methods (transmissive, experiential, visits, factual, etc) to adapt the contents to different ways of learning and assessment to professionals with different education and work backgrounds.
For the Dissemination event, which will be in Spanish with some translation into English, we expect to be around 50 people.
It is a pleasure to have you during these two events. We expect to enjoy together and develop a
little bit more the professional networks needed to accelerate ecological transitions in our

Tuesday 12th March, 2024 – WELCOME
20.00 h – Meeting point to have some drinks at “Bar Casa Vizcaíno” at Feria street, 27.

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